Numerical Data Types
var doesn't exist in Java! Variables do, but you need to be more specific. Variables in java have types. Certain types of variables hold certain types of information. This may seem cumbersome but it allows your programs to be more efficient and it allows you more flexibility in your programming. The first datatypes we are going to learn about work with numbers. Watch this video generously provided by Edhesive, an officially recognized AP Computer Science A online course provider by the College Board, to explain numerical dataypes. If you want to learn more or prepare for the AP Computer Science A Exam I highly recommend their site so here's a link. Afterwards take the short quiz provided to practice the basics of assigning values to the different types introduced in the video.
Video: This video will stop about halfway because I'm going to break up its material. It will introduce the two most fundamental data types for handling numerical data - int and double. We will introduce the data types for handling text data later.
Video: This video will stop about halfway because I'm going to break up its material. It will introduce the two most fundamental data types for handling numerical data - int and double. We will introduce the data types for handling text data later.
Numerical Data Types Quiz
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